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Interface IAdequateCacheOptions<TValue, TProviderArgs>

Type parameters

  • TValue

  • TProviderArgs: any[] = any[]


  • IAdequateCacheBaseOptions
    • IAdequateCacheOptions



Optional bindMethods

bindMethods?: boolean

Bind all public methods, so that you can use the cache methods in .map() and similar scenarios. Defaults to true.

Optional max

max?: number

Approximate max number of keys to hold in cache. Null/undefined means no limit.

Optional ttl

ttl?: number

Default time to live for records, in ms. Null/undefined means entries live forever, unless forced out by LRU.

Optional vacuumFrequency

vacuumFrequency?: number

How often do we "vacuum" the data, in ms. Vacuuming refers to going through the list and clearing out expired data, then removing the overflowing least used records. Higher frequency favors memory usage, lower frequency favors CPU. Defaults to once a minute. Set to null to disable.

Optional vacuumInBackground

vacuumInBackground?: boolean

If true, vacuum is done in a separate run-loop, so it doesn't interferes with your code. If you set this to false, vacuum will be done before we return from your calls, resulting in a potentially "spiky" performance. Defaults to true.

Optional vacuumOverflowFactor

vacuumOverflowFactor?: number

If vacuum is still not due based on vacuumFrequency, but the key count has reached max * vacuumOverflowFactor, we will trigger vacuum anyway. This is a release valve if you have a slow vacuumFrequency, but keep adding new keys quickly. Defaults to 1.2.


Optional now

  • now(): number
  • Method to return current timestamp. Useful in testing and similar scenarios. Defaults to Date.now().

    Returns number

Optional provider

  • provider(...args: TProviderArgs): TValue | Promise<TValue>
  • Method that will be called when you call cache.provide(key) for a value that is not in the cache. Upon obtaining it, the value is placed in cache. Return undefined to keep the value out of cache.

    This is just a little utility to help you reduce the boilerplate around the most usual use patterns of caches like this.


    • Rest ...args: TProviderArgs

    Returns TValue | Promise<TValue>

Optional providerArgsToKey

  • providerArgsToKey(...args: TProviderArgs): string
  • Function to convert arguments used to call provider into a key. By default, arguments are stringified and joined.


    • Rest ...args: TProviderArgs

    Returns string

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